Posts Tagged ‘family’

Empowering Families Online: Reducing Barriers through a Virtual, Group ESDM-based Caregiver Coaching Program

Autistic children often experience difficulties with language and communication development (Tager-Flushberg et al., 2005). Early intervention (EI) is an integral and highly efficacious tool to target and promote optimal development in this population (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2015). By targeting...

Governor Hochul Announces New Ombuds Program to Help New Yorkers With Developmental Disabilities and Their Families

On December 13th, 2024, Governor Kathy Hochul announced that the new Ombuds for the developmental disabilities’ service system, headed by Community Service Society of New York, is now open and ready to accept New Yorkers’ calls in need of assistance navigating services, resolving complaints,...

Supporting Families to Prepare Students to Be Participating Members of Their Community

For over five decades, I’ve had the privilege of serving students with autism and developmental disabilities and their families. I’ve been employed as a teacher, administrator, professor, consultant, and advocate in public, private, nonprofit, and for-profit settings, working in preschools,...

Telehealth: Is It Right for Parents and Children?

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the availability of telehealth for autism and other developmental disorders has exploded. Now that we are mostly post-pandemic, many parents are asking: “Is telehealth still the right choice for my child’s treatment?” There is no single answer. Below are several...

Navigating the Sandwich Generation: My Personal Journey as a Neurodivergent Entrepreneur, Mother, and Daughter

I am a sandwich generation mother and daughter; I can attest to our unique challenges. I have the added challenge of a disability, or as I like to refer to it, a unique neurotype. Despite growing up thinking I was a neurotypical person who was just unlikeable or “weird,” I have always been...

11 Compassionate Parenting Tips for Families with Autistic Children

Few people realize the challenges of being a parent, until they become one. Now, imagine the added challenges of parenting an autistic child which is becoming more common as the number of children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) increases. According to the Centers for Disease...

Person-Centered Early Intervention Program: A Whole Family Approach

The prevalence of autism is at an all-time high. Today, we all seem to know a parent of a child who has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). According to estimates from the CDC, the rate of autism has more than tripled over the span of two decades: from one in 150 in 2000, to one in...

Opinion: It’s Time to Embrace “Profound Autism”

Editor’s Note: Autism Spectrum News strives to be an inclusive voice for the Autism community by presenting articles that promote discussion and advancement. Read a response to this article published on November 29th, 2022 written by Dr. Robert Naseef and Michael John Carley where they make a...

Making It Through Loss and Pain When You Have Autism Is a Challenge

I am writing this piece to let any autistic individuals know that, when life throws challenges, you can make it through the pain. You may hurt, feel like your life has turned upside down, and you may feel lost. Taking on painful challenges can make you stronger. Individuals with autism can conquer...

The Pandemic Has Devastated the Autism Community. It’s Also Been an Important Learning Opportunity

The world has been living through a global emergency since the coronavirus pandemic took hold early last year, and autism families have been hit particularly hard. People with autism thrive on routine and predictability, which are precisely what was lost amid COVID-19. While I know autism families...