Posts Tagged ‘planning’

Supportive and Community Housing – Find Your Forever Home

It’s that time of the year where parents are shipping their kids off to school. From toddlers who have finally reached school age to young adults taking that next step into adulthood, this season is filled with many new adventures. Many young adults will be leaving home this fall for college and...

Dental Care and Autism: What You Should Know

Going to the dentist can be nerve-wracking for anyone. However, for a child with autism, dental care can be a much more difficult experience. An overload of sensory elements can make going to the dentist overwhelming and scary. Luckily, choosing the right dentist, knowing what to expect, and...

Preparing for a Successful Holiday Season

Parties! Gift giving! Twinkling lights! The holiday season can be a source of joy and excitement for some but for individuals with ASD the holidays present unique challenges. With communication, planning, and patience, individuals with ASD and their families can successfully navigate and enjoy the...

There are No IEPs in College: Succeeding with Accommodations

For many students, college is a series of firsts. With independence comes responsibility for many things they previously had assistance with. These firsts are challenging for many, however students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) face additional, unique challenges — significant impairments in...

Preparing for the Challenges of Adulthood

The transition for individuals affected by autism from special education services to adult services often poses a great deal of anxiety and barriers for the individual in transition, as well as for their parents, caregivers and service professionals. Under the Individuals with Disabilities...

Empowering Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

With the implementation of the Employment First Initiative, integrated community employment has become a nationwide focus that is affording greater opportunities for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). While we’re moving in the right direction, there is still work to be done. According...

Transition Readiness for an Individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Transition readiness for adulthood for an individual with autism can be a daunting task for both the individual and their family. Most parents begin to query their community providers, support groups, and educational teams about the transition process well into an individual’s secondary schooling...

So Your Child Was Diagnosed with ASD: What Comes Next?

Receiving an ASD diagnosis for a child may be accompanied by a variety of reactions. For many parents and caregivers, the diagnosis may confirm what they had suspected. For others, it may come as a shock. Parents commonly note whether they had expected an ASD diagnosis or not, they often hoped they...

The Road to Adulthood: Planning and Preparing for Transition

For families of adolescents with autism and other intellectual and developmental disabilities, planning for the future may seem particularly daunting. Parents are often faced with questions about what lies ahead for their son or daughter as they prepare to “age out” of their school district and...

What Parents of Children with Autism Should Know About Abuse

It is true that parents of children and adults with ASD, if asked, will admit to having long-held fears that their child may become a victim of abuse. However, it is also true that when I have provided classes for parents of young and adult children with autism at Los Angeles-based Regional Centers...