Posts Tagged ‘transition’

Transition Readiness for an Individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Transition readiness for adulthood for an individual with autism can be a daunting task for both the individual and their family. Most parents begin to query their community providers, support groups, and educational teams about the transition process well into an individual’s secondary schooling...

Empowering Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

With the implementation of the Employment First Initiative, integrated community employment has become a nationwide focus that is affording greater opportunities for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). While we’re moving in the right direction, there is still work to be done. According...

A Transition Model That Works – Project SEARCH Autism Enhancement

Employment is a defining characteristic of adulthood, yet the emerging data regarding vocational outcomes for young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has been less than optimal. Close to half of young adults with ASD are unable to secure employment after high school (Shattuck et al, 2012)....

Using Community Collaboration to Support Transition-Aged Students

In 2017, the Autism Provider Network of Northwest Ohio conducted a full scope community needs assessment which included a national best practice review, community provider audit, stakeholder focus groups, and an on-line needs assessment distributed to individuals and families. The data collected...

Connections for Transition Success

The value of connections and collaborations between families, schools and organizations for smooth student transition success from high school to adult supports is immeasurable. This critical time period, often referred to as “the cliff,” deserves renewed attention as we strive for successful...

Accommodations for Students in the Higher Education Environment

The transition from high school to college may be challenging for all students, but especially for those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and related learning differences. With so many changes in academic, social/emotional, and independent living demands, it is essential that students...

Peer-Mediated Intervention for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

"Those around a person with autism must change first in order for change to occur in one with autism” (Schlieder, Maldonado & Baltes, 2014). Autism seems to be a buzzword in and out of medical, educational, and political conversations. Autism is more than just a buzzword. It is a formal...

Supporting Students with Autism Through Evidence-Based Employment Intervention

Unemployment rates for people with disabilities currently are hovering around 80%, with even higher rates for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017). Over the past several decades, employment outcomes for students with autism have remained consistently poor...

Advancing Behavioral Health Strategies as Individuals Approach Adulthood

Individuals connected to the behavioral healthcare system are well aware that autism does not magically disappear on a teenager’s 18th birthday. Yet, the challenges facing people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) shift considerably as they make the transition to adulthood....

An Autism Spectrum News Exclusive Interview with the Co-Directors of the New Shrub Oak International School

The Shrub Oak International School, located in New York’s Westchester County, is scheduled to open their doors in September of 2018. Shrub Oak promises to be a “world-class, private, special education boarding and day school preparing students for independent adult life and employment. Serving...