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Archive for the ‘Website Exclusive’ Category

Autism Spectrum News Honored by the Autism Society of America with The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation Leader in Adult Autism Award

The Autism Society of America is thrilled to announce David Minot, Founder and Publisher of Autism Spectrum News and Executive Director of Mental Health News Education, as the recipient of the prestigious 2022 Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation Leader in Adult Autism Award, presented at the 2022...

Robin Davies-Small Named Yes She Can Executive Director

Yes She Can Inc., a White Plains, NY-based non-profit dedicated to providing job training, mentorship, and life skills for young women with autism, is pleased to welcome Westchester County resident Robin Davies-Small as its new Executive Director. Davies-Small takes the reins of the organization...

Planning a Summer Vacation: Travel Tips for Families of Children With Disabilities

Summer travel season is well underway. While traveling with children can be both fun and exhausting, if you are a parent or caregiver of a child with disabilities, even more planning may be required to have a safe and successful trip. This summer, I decided to take my daughter Annie on her first...

Language Development and Communication for Nonverbal Autistic Children

Autism spectrum disorder is one that has a broad range of symptoms, but many with its diagnosis have similar “core” symptoms. Difficulties with language and communication is a shared struggle for many. Thankfully, with today’s constantly evolving technology and research, individuals with...

Addressing a National Shortage of Autism Specialists

I remember the day as if it was yesterday – Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2003. It was my birthday, and I had just met with my 21-month-old daughter’s pediatrician to discuss her “global developmental delays.” In the most caring way, he told us, “You will need to see a developmental-behavioral...

Adaptive Sports Promote Physical, Social, and Emotional Health for People with Disabilities

As COVID hit in March 2020 I was let go from my job at an adaptive sports organization for people with physical disabilities. Instead of bemoaning the fact that, along with many others, I now had no income, I started talking to some friends and colleagues about starting an adaptive sports...

Making It Through Loss and Pain When You Have Autism Is a Challenge

I am writing this piece to let any autistic individuals know that, when life throws challenges, you can make it through the pain. You may hurt, feel like your life has turned upside down, and you may feel lost. Taking on painful challenges can make you stronger. Individuals with autism can conquer...

Managing Back-to-School Jitters: Tips to Help Children With Special Needs Ensure a Smooth Transition

Remember how it felt as a child before your first day of school? Perhaps you experienced butterflies in your stomach or loss of sleep the night before. You were excited to see your friends, but also nervous about what the new school year would bring. That is exactly how I am feeling about sending...

The Pandemic Has Devastated the Autism Community. It’s Also Been an Important Learning Opportunity

The world has been living through a global emergency since the coronavirus pandemic took hold early last year, and autism families have been hit particularly hard. People with autism thrive on routine and predictability, which are precisely what was lost amid COVID-19. While I know autism families...

No Labels on My Clothes, No Labels on Me: Why Functioning Labels Need to Be Cut Off and Tossed

Autistic folk spend an inordinate amount of time discussing the torture of labels on our clothes. In a discussion about sensory issues, right after we discuss how much we loathe the grocery store, the hatred of tags on our clothes comes up. It’s amazing how something so small, can invisibly...