Posts Tagged ‘training’

Networking for Good

Most people find employment opportunities through a network of people they know, and it is well documented that professional networking is an important investment in time to begin and grow one’s career (Augustine, Top Resume). In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that “85% of...

The “Why” of Disability Unemployment

Understanding the differential in the employment rates for people with disabilities and those without, including the length of time it has remained unchanged, requires an introspection into all the current practices and models. It also begs the question of “why” this has remained for so long...

Improving Interactions Between Police and People with Autism

A man stands among an aisle at a store. He doesn’t talk with anyone or interfere with their shopping, but he’s making the store’s employees uncomfortable, nonetheless. He picks up a product from the shelf, examines it closely, and returns it to its original place. He repeats the process again...

Practicing with Compassionate Care: A Missing Piece in Behavior Analytic Training

Becoming and practicing behavior analysis is often synonymous with a strong understanding of the technical components of behavior change procedures. Our training often emphasizes skills such as the memorization of terminology until it becomes second nature, evaluating and conducting research, and...

A Highly Effective Toilet Training Program Based on Applied Behavior Analysis Principles

Learning to use the bathroom independently is a critical life skill for any child, but especially for children with autism spectrum disorder. It boosts their self-confidence, enhances their quality of life, and enables a deeper integration into educational environments, social gatherings, and...

Understanding and Mitigating Challenges Faced by the Healthcare System when Treating Children with ASD and Problem Behavior

Meeting the healthcare needs of the heterogeneous population of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) poses a unique set of difficulties for an already burdened healthcare system during a pandemic such as the current COVID-19 crisis. Children with ASD experience the same childhood illnesses...

Using Telehealth to Create a Virtual Community for Adults with Autism

During March 2020, many community-based programs for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) needed to make the difficult decision to suspend in-person services for the safety of all stakeholders. The unexpected interruption in daily operations led to an immediate concern for the overall quality...

Transitioning an ABA Company to Telehealth Service Delivery Model

Working for a company that provides Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services, we were always tied to insurance companies’ untouchable rule: if you are not with the client face to face, you are not entitled to reimbursement and your time is not valid as service delivery. As Executive Director of...

Addressing the Female-Specific Challenges of Autism at Yes She Can

Empowerment is the theme that is woven into the training model at Yes She Can, Inc. Training young women with autism to be successful employees starts with a shared belief that women with autism can develop powerful voices in their own lives and in supporting the lives of others. We integrate...

AANE’s Online Training for Therapists Gives Hope to Neurodiverse Couples

In 2018, AANE launched our NEUROLOGY MATTERS IN COUPLES THERAPY, an online training for therapists. Since then, 27 therapists have completed both TRAINING 101: Fundamentals of Working with Neurodiverse Couples in Therapy, and CERTIFICATION 201: Case Presentations and Advanced Topics in Neurodiverse...