Posts Tagged ‘training’

First Responders Promote Awareness and Training Through the Autism Patch Challenge

A simple idea to bring autism awareness to the New Rochelle Police Department and the City of New Rochelle, NY, has since spread to over 350 first responder agencies around the United States, and continues to grow with each passing month. On February 7, 2017, I made an appointment to meet with...

Autism and Law Enforcement: Training, and When to Say No

This article aims to stimulate discussion concerning the balance between teaching individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to trust law enforcement to keep them safe, and the need to interact with those same professionals in a way that preserves their rights. The lack of training to...

Neurology Matters in Couples Therapy – and Training is Now Available

“Working with neurodiverse couples is more complicated than neurotypical couples. In order to help the couple work as a unified team, the therapist first has to help the partners understand each other’s neurological differences. The therapist has to understand each partner’s unique language...

Transitioning to Work

When students with disabilities turn 21, or receive a high school diploma, their entitlement to special education services ends, and the school bus stops coming to their corner. Before the school bus stops, the school and the adult program need to collaborate and plan for transitioning to work...

Preparing for the Challenges of Adulthood

The transition for individuals affected by autism from special education services to adult services often poses a great deal of anxiety and barriers for the individual in transition, as well as for their parents, caregivers and service professionals. Under the Individuals with Disabilities...

Preparing the Field of Disabilities Services for Managed Care

August 27th, 2018, marked the first day in a series of webinar trainings designed to help providers of services to people with disabilities prepare for and transition to Managed Care. New York completed its first significant step in the transition with regional implementation of Care...

Human Sexuality and Relationship Training for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Applied Settings

Development is inevitable. All children will change physically, emotionally, and intellectually. Preparation for these changes can assist in the transition from childhood to adulthood. The goals set in preparing individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) for these changes are no different than...

Special Challenges and Creative Solutions When Providing Services to Females with Autism

The majority of individuals with autism are male, and females with autism are often overlooked in discussions of needs and program planning. Special challenges exist in serving individuals with autism who are female. In addition, females may be vulnerable in ways that are often not acknowledged or...

The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation Launches Endowed Fund to Focus on Lifelong Family Support

The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation, for nearly two decades, has focused its all-volunteer organization’s mission on every aspect of adult life from employment to the arts to health and wellness to residential and recreational endeavors. An integral aspect of the Foundation’s mission has always...

Extraordinary Ventures Creates Extraordinary Opportunities

Government is an important employer in our economy, but by far the largest source of jobs is the private sector made up of hundreds of thousands of small, medium and large businesses. But neither government nor private enterprise has done a very good job incorporating the skills and talents of...