Supporting Older Adults with Autism
Autism is a lifelong diagnosis, and as adults with autism age, many of the medical, physical, and mental changes they face are similar to those of typically aging adults. As adults with autism get older, it is extremely important for family members and/or professionals working with these...
Best Practices in Support of Aging Adults with Autism
The DSM V which was released to the public in May, 2013, took the controversial decision to consolidate the diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome, or High Functioning Autism (HFA), under the umbrella of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The particularism of Asperger Syndrome had provided a framework with...
Three Strategies to Strengthen Communication for Adults with Autism and Learning Differences
Communication is an essential skill that contributes to success with relationships. Individuals with ASD particularly focus on growth in their communicative skills for a majority of their lives. With young adulthood comes the combination of self-identity development and the presentation of more...
Moving Forward with Will Power
My name is Will Peters, I am a recent graduate of AHRC New York City’s Melissa Riggio Higher Education Program (MRHEP) at the College of Staten Island. The College of Staten Island is one of the colleges of the City University of New York, which provides students with intellectual and other...
Transition to Adulthood: Many Difficult Yet Essential Challenges for Autistics
As a group, autistics are well-known for having difficulty with many kinds of changes in their lives. The transition to adulthood constitutes one of the most difficult and, at the same time, one of the most important that most people ever make. This transition usually presents challenges for...
Preparing for the Challenges of Adulthood
The transition for individuals affected by autism from special education services to adult services often poses a great deal of anxiety and barriers for the individual in transition, as well as for their parents, caregivers and service professionals. Under the Individuals with Disabilities...
Adults with Autism Face a Unique Set of Dangers and Hazards
The dangers and hazards of the world that are faced by autistic children and adolescents are very well known, and much has been said and written about them. Adults with autism, however, all too often face a variety of threats not frequently encountered by neurotypicals. I will be discussing these...
Online Dating and Neurodiversity
Much has been written about the basic safety considerations of online dating, yet little research has been conducted to understand the nuanced difficulties that may be present for individuals on the autism spectrum who date online. A survey by Roth and Gillis (2015) found the most commonly reported...
Adult ASD Diagnosis: “It’s Not a Label – It’s an Explanation”
About a year ago, I attended a conference workshop on adult autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnoses which addressed their value to those on the spectrum. I was surprised, and even shocked, to learn that there is controversy about the value of these diagnoses, particularly for less-impaired adults...
Balancing Health and Safety Issues with Individual Rights in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
The history of treatment of individuals with developmental disabilities is fraught with violations of personal liberties. In a seminal article, Bannerman, Sherman, and Sheldon outlined the need to respect individual rights in the context of effective treatment (1988). Since that time, service...