Perkins School for the Blind - New Transition Program

Archive for the ‘Winter 2019 Issue’ Category

Preparing for the Challenges of Adulthood

The transition for individuals affected by autism from special education services to adult services often poses a great deal of anxiety and barriers for the individual in transition, as well as for their parents, caregivers and service professionals. Under the Individuals with Disabilities...

Using Community Collaboration to Support Transition-Aged Students

In 2017, the Autism Provider Network of Northwest Ohio conducted a full scope community needs assessment which included a national best practice review, community provider audit, stakeholder focus groups, and an on-line needs assessment distributed to individuals and families. The data collected...

Job Skills Are Skills for Life

What we learn at work can often help us in our life, outside of our place of employment, and what we learn during our personal experiences can benefit our performance on the job. Sometimes these transferable job skills and behaviors are referred to as “soft skills.” For example, after an IBM...

Communication is Key to Building Functional Independence Skills in Adults with Autism

Over the past year, cities across the country have made great strides in creating an atmosphere where people with autism feel welcome and comfortable. Multiple cities have become certified autism-friendly cities, sports teams have designated certain nights as sensory-friendly events and autism...

Computer Science Inclusion Program Gives Marketable Skills for Adulthood

Businesses are anxious for computer science professionals. However, colleges currently do not graduate enough students knowledgeable in cutting-edge STEM (i.e., science, technology, engineering and mathematics) skills (United States Equal Opportunity Commission, 2014). Computer science inclusion...

A Transition Model That Works – Project SEARCH Autism Enhancement

Employment is a defining characteristic of adulthood, yet the emerging data regarding vocational outcomes for young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has been less than optimal. Close to half of young adults with ASD are unable to secure employment after high school (Shattuck et al, 2012)....

Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Therapist Match

I often get asked by family and friends “do you know someone?” Their hope is that I will have a colleague who will be a good fit to work with them in therapy. Over the years, I believe I have gotten better in making these “matches.” Partly this is a result of my...

Empowering Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

With the implementation of the Employment First Initiative, integrated community employment has become a nationwide focus that is affording greater opportunities for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). While we’re moving in the right direction, there is still work to be done. According...

Transdisciplinary Transition Assessment and Instructional Planning

A cornerstone to successful transition from school to work for students on the autism spectrum is individual assessment that yields meaningful information for instructional planning. Transdisciplinary assessment, which involves the student’s full educational team, provides a comprehensive profile...

Transition Readiness for an Individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Transition readiness for adulthood for an individual with autism can be a daunting task for both the individual and their family. Most parents begin to query their community providers, support groups, and educational teams about the transition process well into an individual’s secondary schooling...