Posts Tagged ‘Spring 2022 Issue’

Preparing School-Age Students for Post-Secondary Education

Preparing school-age students with autism for the transition into post-secondary education is perhaps as challenging for teachers as it is daunting for parents. According to a National Autism Indicators Report, “Young adults with autism have a difficult time following high school for almost any...

Considerations for Choosing a College for Students on the Autism Spectrum

Choosing a college requires careful planning. This planning often starts in a student’s freshman year of high school, but usually not later than their sophomore year. When a student is on the autism spectrum, transition planning is a high priority, indeed it is required by law. The Individuals...

Overcoming Challenges with Technology: One Individual’s Journey from Hospitalization to a Career

Individuals with complex profiles can display behaviors that are dangerous enough to lead to frequent involvement with police and hospitalizations. Such was the case for Bob (pseudonym), who had a history of significant aggression, property destruction, and elopement behaviors. Bob lived at home...

Are Autistic Students Traumatized in Schools?

According to a 2017 study, “77% of autistic high school students play a very limited role or no role at all in post-secondary planning compared to 47 % of students with intellectual disabilities and 27% of students with all other disabilities” (Gillespie-Lynch, K. et al., 2017). Why do so...

The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation Transition and Adult Programs at UM-NSU CARD: Creating Employment Through Community Collaboration

The University of Miami-Nova Southeastern University Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (UM-NSU CARD), established by Florida statute in 1993, currently serves over 14,500 families in South Florida. Our program offers a variety of programs and services at no cost to our constituents and...

Accessing Accommodations and Resources to Achieve Academic Success

As students with learning differences transition into college, one of the most important things they can do to set themselves up for success is to understand how to access support, services, and accommodations in college. Whether they are at the community college or university level, students must...

Reflection of a Former Defiant Preschooler

I was once an impudent preschooler who ignored clear directions. Or so I must have seemed to my teacher. My classmates and I were gathered around for an activity, the nature of which I cannot recall. I do remember that it involved the children being asked, one at a time and more or less at random,...

7 Things Students with Disabilities Should Do When Starting College

Students with disabilities may have tremendous potential as well as exceptional needs. But to fulfill that potential in college, they need to be sufficiently prepared, because the transition from high school involves a huge increase in independence. Here are seven key strategies and mindsets that...

Advice for Parents with Children Entering Post-Secondary Education

The transition from high school to post-secondary education can be overwhelming. There are several different pathways to success for your loved one, including a specialized post-secondary experience for non-degree seeking students to provide them with a college campus experience, programs that...

Why I Made the Difficult Decision to Not Have Children

In the last year, I have accomplished a lot. More than I used to think I could do in my life. I made a life decision never to have kids. I underwent a procedure to keep from getting pregnant. I have become a confident woman. I know what I want in my life. My decision is based on childhood...