4 Ways to Mitigate Insurance Costs in a COVID-19 Environment
Many nonprofit and social service organizations are struggling with drastically altered operations and decreases in revenue brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Some organizations have been forced to make tough decisions to decrease payrolls, temporarily shutter secondary service locations, or...
Human Resources: Doing Performance Management in an Environment Where Managers Are Working Remotely
There is no question that COVID-19 has dramatically and tragically affected so many lives and challenged basic business norms. It has pushed the outer limits of human resource management. The one overwhelming observation is that senior management in human services responded with compassion,...
Medicaid Managed Care Is Essential for Persons With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
In New York State, persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities are one of the last groups of Medicaid recipients to be included in the State’s coverage under Medicaid managed care. Close to 5.8 million of the 6.2 million Medicaid recipients are enrolled in Medicaid managed care. For...
Telehealth Program for People with I/DD Launches in New York
A new way of delivering healthcare to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) has come to New York. Launched in September, Premier HealthCare’s Telehealth Services enables patients with autism and other types of I/DD to access mental and physical health services without a...
A Community of Caring Agencies Unites to Support Families in Camden County, NJ
First Children Services and the Rowan Integrated Special Needs (RISN) Center are organizations that specialize in providing clinical services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in New Jersey. Many of the youth who these agencies serve are eligible for or already...
Supporting Employee Professional Development Activities: An Example from a Mid-Size Human-Service Organization
Individuals credentialed as Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA) are required to obtain 32 hours of continuing education every two years. The purpose of the continuing education “is to ensure certificants engage in activities that will expand and maintain their behavior-analytic skills”...
The Important Role of Adult Service Providers in the Transition Process
Transition is broadly considered to be a process or period of change. Transitions can vary in scope on several dimensions such as small to large, quick to prolonged, easy to difficult, and from the perspective of those impacted, minor to life changing. Transitions are an inherent part of life and...
Autism and Hospitals: A Difficult Match
As a resident, you always have that one patient who sticks out in your mind—the one who had some profound impact on your practice of medicine and your life outside of medicine. For me, though, it wasn’t just one patient. It was one patient after another with the same challenge: autism. Having...
Advancing Care for the Developmentally Disabled with Population Health Management
In the wake of the Affordable Care Act, the pace of technological transformation on the patient management side of the healthcare industry has evolved rapidly, reflecting both regulatory shifts and technological advances. Population health management (PHM) represents one potent example. A few years...
Direct Access Application Revolutionizes Service Delivery for People with Disabilities
You need a job. You need a home that provides support. You want to be involved in your community. You want all of these things yet the system that is in place before you is arduous to navigate and often leaves you feeling discouraged. TOUCH (Therapeutic Outreach Uniting Community Health) was...