Posts Tagged ‘employment’

Conducting a Job Search: Quick Tips to Guide Your Journey

Let us begin with facts: job searching is not always easy - for anyone. Most people, whether they are autistic or not, will experience several potential hurdles when finding the right job for them. Although there are additional challenges that are unique to autistic individuals, the initial steps...

Making a Case for the IEP Diploma When It Comes to Employment

I was the girl who was afraid of her own shadow. I was afraid of a lot of things. I was afraid about what people might think. People always doubted me. I was too nervous to speak in front of people. I would never go on stage. I was afraid to do anything. A school social worker once told my...

Community Living in the Era of COVID-19

As we cope with the disruption of this pandemic, many of us are wondering what our new normal will look like on the other side. Before COVID-19, many people with disabilities went to day programs or had individualized 1:1 staff supporting them at work or in activities in the community. Now, because...

Your Child’s Right to an Appropriate Transition Plan

One of the main objectives of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is to ensure that children receive an appropriate education that prepares them for further education, employment, and independent living.1 Accordingly, school districts must develop Transition Plans that are...

A Scaffolded Approach to Supporting Individuals with Autism in the Community

The outcomes for young adults with ASDs are well-known and well-documented. Without intervention young adults with ASD fail to reach basic young adult milestones in terms of independent living, employment, and social and romantic relationships. “Research suggests 70% of individuals with ASD will...

Uniquely Human Podcast #9 – Honoring the Culture of Autism with Michael John Carley

Episode 9 - Honoring the Culture of Autism with Michael John Carley Overview Michael John Carley joins us to discuss the importance of respecting autism culture in school and at work. Continue the Discussion Do you have a book or podcast club? If so, you may use this discussion guide...

Embracing Special Interests

My special interests and I have gone through an unusual journey. I almost rejected them upon my initial reaction of dealing with life after high school and knowing the documented struggles with autistic adults. During that time, I decided to aim for work in the autism field by attending community...

High School Student Forms Nonprofit Devoted to Improving Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Isabella He, a junior at Mission San Jose High School in Fremont, California, started the nonprofit organization SN Inclusion to bring career-technical education to individuals with special needs. SN Inclusion is dedicated to preparing individuals with special needs for careers through...

My First Employment Experience Working for Autism Spectrum News

I graduated from Marist College in May of 2018. While I was on hiatus as I enjoyed free time for the summer, I was thinking about looking for my first employment experience, but I needed help with planning my next steps. When January came, I started out at Shrub Oak International School, where I...

How Spectrum Designs Foundation Pivoted to Support First Responders and Healthcare Providers

Six or so weeks ago, when the COVID-19 crisis ramped up and then effectively halted life as we know it, the team at Spectrum Designs Foundation was on schedule to break previous sales records, offer more individuals with Autism paid employment opportunities and open the doors to our anticipated new...