Posts Tagged ‘family’

Preparing Children with ASD for New Siblings

Introducing a new baby is a wonderful, joyous time for a family. When preparing children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) for a new sibling, your approach may need to begin long before the new baby arrives. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5),...

How a Sibling Connection Inspired Advocacy and a Career

When I was nine years old, I became an advocate. We were out in public and a woman chastised my mom for being unable to control my younger brother, Joey. My blood started to boil and I was outraged by this woman’s lack of empathy. However, my mom handled the situation with poise and grace,...

Neurodiversity and Sibling Relationships

Having a child with an autism spectrum disorder has a transformative effect on the entire family. Typically, when a child is diagnosed with autism, parents embark on a mission to find effective treatments and support systems. However, during treatment planning neurotypical siblings are often...

Autism Through a Different Lens: A Sibling’s Perspective

In my profession, I often write articles from a parent’s perspective about having an 18-year-old daughter (Annie) with severe autism, and intellectual and developmental disabilities. My overarching goal with these stories is to provide compassion, understanding and hope to families, caregivers...

Under Pressure: Support for Siblings of Individuals with ASD

As a school-based mental health professional and a sister of a person with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the sibling perspective on family-centered care is not just important to me, but necessary in order to give comprehensive and competent care to the families who look to communities and schools...

Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Home: How to Thrive as a Family Unit

Various research studies have shown that early intervention for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is important for providing the tools and strategies needed for long term success in areas such as education, career, and life in general (McEachin, Smith, & Lovaas, 1993). It is...

Siblings Realize They’re Not Alone: AHRC NYC Sibshops Unveil Common Challenges

Lori Jacobs recalled a conversation with her younger son Seth, whose brother Ian has high-functioning autism and mood disorders. “Seth said, ‘Promise me I won’t have to take care of him when I grow up. And please, promise me you have a plan for him,’” Lori said. This wasn’t the type...

Siblings: Common Concerns and Effective Support Strategies

Like parents of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), siblings experience unique concerns and opportunities. The sibling relationship can easily exceed six decades, and siblings face these issues for even longer than parents. Historically, siblings have had few opportunities to receive...

Adult Sibling Support

Siblings often have the longest-lasting relationships of their lives with each other. With this lifelong connection, siblings have a great opportunity to support each other. In families where a person has a disability, the roles that siblings play may be different – not only in childhood and...

Physical Fitness Activities and Nutrition Support for Autism Families

It’s hard enough to find support and respite when you have a child with autism, but add a pandemic to the mix, and you’ve really got your hands full. While it’s easy to give in to your child’s requests for sugar and stimulating games (they’re adorable and you want them to be happy, after...