Perkins School for the Blind Transition Center

Posts Tagged ‘self-advocacy’

This Is Me: Using a Personalized, Electronic Transition Tool to Support Self-Advocacy in Transition-Aged Young Adults

For young adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)1, transition to post-school life brings with it both new opportunities and new challenges. The transition to post-secondary education settings, vocational programs, community-based day programs, and/or supported living means having to teach all...

Developing Confidence and Standing Up for Myself

After I lost my mom to dementia, I had very little confidence in myself. I had no voice. People would express their opinions and I would never tell others my perspective because I had no confidence. I could not stand up for myself. If I tried, I would wind up crying instead. I let myself get...

Ten Lessons in Transitioning from High School to College for Students with Autism and Learning Differences

Going to college after high school, particularly for neuroatypical learners, can be like trying to get from one mountain top to another without a bridge or tools of any kind. Lesson number one is just knowing that: Be prepared for a massive gap between one set of teaching, learning, and support...

The Key to True Success in College and Beyond

Success in college is not guaranteed, especially for autistic students. About 60% of full-time undergraduates receive a bachelor’s degree within 6 years of beginning college at a four-year institution (National Center for Education Statistics, 2020). Only 36% of young adults on the autism...

Self-Advocacy and Successful Onboarding and Maintenance of Employment

The topic of employment struggles for those on the Autism Spectrum tends to focus on gaining meaningful work opportunities, while the conversation needs to continue by looking at sustaining employment. In a 2018 study, only 14.3% of the sample sustained employment for a period longer than 18 months...

Making a Case for the IEP Diploma When It Comes to Employment

I was the girl who was afraid of her own shadow. I was afraid of a lot of things. I was afraid about what people might think. People always doubted me. I was too nervous to speak in front of people. I would never go on stage. I was afraid to do anything. A school social worker once told my...

Tools for Growth: Facilitating Community Living Skills Opportunities in Preparation for Independent Living

Graduating high school, going to college, finding an apartment, landing that first job, getting married - these are all exciting milestones associated with the transition from high school to independent living. For adolescents with autism, formal planning for this transition begins at age 14 with...

Uniquely Human Podcast #8 – Autism and Personal Fulfillment with Dr. Temple Grandin

Episode 8 - Autism and Personal Fulfillment with Dr. Temple Grandin Overview Striving and Driving for Success Dr. Temple Grandin joins us to share her perspective on setting oneself up for success in a lifelong journey of personal growth. David LaFrenz shares the impact his work has...

Uniquely Human Podcast #4 – Autism and Quality of Life with Becca Lory Hector

Episode 4 - Autism at Quality of Life with Becca Lory Hector Overview What are the indicators for quality of life for people with autism? How can autistic people build a more self-defined life, starting where they are now? Autistic autism consultant and speaker Becca Lory Hector shares...

Mentors Over White Knights – How to Support Autistic Women for Success

Like many neurotypical girls, I spent a lot of time growing up either reading or watching fairy tales in books or television. What’s peculiar about women on the Autism Spectrum is that our advocates sometimes mimic those white knights in shining armor; Meaning that someone on our care team will...