Posts Tagged ‘therapy’

Utilizing Digital Media to Enable Continuity of Autism Services

For over a decade there has been an abundance of professional articles and seminars on the potential of telehealth and distance learning services. Outside of the medical world, the movement of state licensing bodies and insurance payers to permit use of telehealth services by licensed behavioral...

The Superpowers of Neurodiverse Couples

While many articles focus on the challenges associated with being in a neurodiverse partnership, there are countless strengths that are unique to relationships in which one or both partners are on the autism spectrum. When partners search online forums, read books, or even access clinical services,...

AANE’s Online Training for Therapists Gives Hope to Neurodiverse Couples

In 2018, AANE launched our NEUROLOGY MATTERS IN COUPLES THERAPY, an online training for therapists. Since then, 27 therapists have completed both TRAINING 101: Fundamentals of Working with Neurodiverse Couples in Therapy, and CERTIFICATION 201: Case Presentations and Advanced Topics in Neurodiverse...

Neurology Matters in Couples Therapy – and Training is Now Available

“Working with neurodiverse couples is more complicated than neurotypical couples. In order to help the couple work as a unified team, the therapist first has to help the partners understand each other’s neurological differences. The therapist has to understand each partner’s unique language...

Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Therapist Match

I often get asked by family and friends “do you know someone?” Their hope is that I will have a colleague who will be a good fit to work with them in therapy. Over the years, I believe I have gotten better in making these “matches.” Partly this is a result of my...

Is Play Therapy an Evidenced-Based Intervention for Children with Autism?

As a board-certified behavior analyst (BCBA), I work with families that have a child diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and periodically see an increased interest in specific interventions. Multiple families start asking me whether a specific intervention is as effective as they are...

Overcoming Anxiety and Fear in Children and Teens

Study after study has shown that if you can get anxious individuals to gradually face their fears (a treatment called gradual exposure), their anxiety will decrease, and they will no longer be controlled by their fear. That is the science of treatment, to gradually face fears. But how do you get...

Blurred Lines – In Support of a Broader Interdisciplinary Model

It’s 6:00 PM on a Tuesday and Lindsey is taking her kids to swim practice.  In the back seat they’re talking excitedly about whatever the new game is while struggling to share an iPad, worn out from the day of school but excited for the evening ahead. Meanwhile, Lindsey is thinking about RSVPs...

The Ins and Outs of Technologically-Savvy Psychotherapy

When the parents of a bright, 7-year-old girl were informed that their daughter’s delays in social and emotional development were likely indicative of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), they responded in a manner similar to many other parents who have received such news. They began seeking medical...