Posts Tagged ‘adults’

United States Senator Robert Menendez Honored by the Autism Society of America with the Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation Leader in Adult Autism Award

On December 16th, the Autism Society of America and The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation awarded New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez as the 2020 recipient of The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation Leader in Adult Autism Award. “I am deeply honored to accept this award and would like to thank my...

Uniquely Human Podcast #4 – Autism and Quality of Life with Becca Lory Hector

Episode 4 - Autism at Quality of Life with Becca Lory Hector Overview What are the indicators for quality of life for people with autism? How can autistic people build a more self-defined life, starting where they are now? Autistic autism consultant and speaker Becca Lory Hector shares...

Maintaining Connection with Siblings with ASD in Young Adulthood

Sibling relationships are some of the longest that people will have in their lifetime, and these relationships can significantly influence sibling development (McHale, Updegraff, & Whiteman, 2012). While each sibling relationship is different, they are commonly characterized by shared...

What Happens When the Teacher Is on the Spectrum? An Interview with a Pre-Service Teacher with ASD

With more and more people with ASD becoming adults, enrollment in higher education is also increasing for this population. Science, technology, engineering, and math majors are popular with students with ASD but what about education? An undergraduate education major with ASD was interviewed about...

Supporting Siblings is a Family Affair: Thoughts From an Insider to Help Guide the Conversation for Best Outcome

The impact of having a child with a disability extends far beyond that individual and impacts the parents and siblings over the course of the family’s lifetime (Harris & Glasberg, 2003: Powell & Ogle, 1985). Developmental disabilities are certainly not universal in how they impact the...

Adult Sibling Support

Siblings often have the longest-lasting relationships of their lives with each other. With this lifelong connection, siblings have a great opportunity to support each other. In families where a person has a disability, the roles that siblings play may be different – not only in childhood and...

Sheltering at Home with My Brother Douglas During COVID-19

After the death of my mother I became my brother Douglas’ legal guardian and sole relative who would advocate for, protect and welcome him every weekend and holiday. The only time he was not able to come to me was when there was an epic snowstorm preventing travel, when I was sick, injured and or...

Using Telehealth to Create a Virtual Community for Adults with Autism

During March 2020, many community-based programs for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) needed to make the difficult decision to suspend in-person services for the safety of all stakeholders. The unexpected interruption in daily operations led to an immediate concern for the overall quality...

Displaying Courage, AHRC NYC Staff Support People with I/DD in Group Homes and Remotely with Technology

Months into our response to the COVID-19 epidemic, we have suffered heartbreaking losses and struggled through many challenges. Through it all, our staff’s extraordinary devotion, caring and tireless efforts to support people with disabilities, their families, and each other, has been...

Unforeseen Advantages of Virtual Learning: Improved Attendance, Participation and More

Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity, nonverbal communication, and difficulty making and maintaining relationships are some of the barriers individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) face in their daily lives (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). In addition, there are high prevalence...