Proof Positive - International Day of Happiness is March 20th, 2025

Posts Tagged ‘education’

Using Summer Programming to Prepare for Post-Secondary Education

Each year 50,000 young adults on the autism spectrum turn 18 years of age (Roux et al., 2013). How can parents and educators ensure that these young people are ready for the transition to post-secondary life? A good number of these young people are academically ready and prepared for the...

Neurodiversity – The New Normal

Over the years, many terms have been used to describe the various neurological conditions that result in developmental, cognitive and behavioral disorders. In the early days of diagnosis and treatment, diagnosis’ ranged from relatively neutral terms like Hyperkinetic Impulse Disorder, (Kimberly...

Building Communication Competence through Milieu Speech-Language Therapy

Speech and language therapy treatment is typically viewed in two ways: pull-out versus push-in. Pull-out therapy occurs outside of the student’s classroom for an allotted amount of time, typically without his or her peers, while push-in therapy, in the school setting, is when services are...

An Autism Spectrum News Exclusive Interview with the Co-Directors of the New Shrub Oak International School

The Shrub Oak International School, located in New York’s Westchester County, is scheduled to open their doors in September of 2018. Shrub Oak promises to be a “world-class, private, special education boarding and day school preparing students for independent adult life and employment. Serving...

Developing Independence: Teaching Goal Setting Skills to Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum

Research conducted amongst the broader population has reported that goal setting for independence is a teachable and effective support strategy, yet it is one that remains under-utilized by the Autism community. The ability to live a meaningful life, with as little reliance on others as...

The Soft Skills – A Call to Remember the (Not so Easy) Steps to Success

As we prepare our students for transitions from school to work, we put much emphasis on academics and trade skills. However, more and more, the employers are putting an emphasis on hiring individuals with the right soft skill set. For our students to be successful, we need to assist them in making...

Berklee to Launch the Institute for Arts Education and Special Needs This Fall

Berklee will launch the Berklee Institute for Arts Education and Special Needs in the fall of 2017. The institute will provide opportunities for individuals with special needs to learn about, experience, and create in the arts. It will offer community programs, learning opportunities for...

Facilitating Self-Advocacy for Adolescent Middle / High School Students with ASD through Person-Centered Internet Sites

Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who attend AHRC New York City Middle / High School (M/HS) in Brooklyn are engaged in an exciting collaboration with students from the Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems of Pace University. M/HS students are participating in...

Healthy Sexuality Education for Individuals with Autism

Sexuality is a central component of socialization for all people and can play a major role in an individual’s overall self-identify and quality of life. However, the discussion and promotion of this area of adaptive and social functioning in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is...

Autism, Sexuality, and Education

Practitioners often construct their programs of research around their clinical practice. Indeed, this is the case with this inquiry. Several years ago, Albee and Piepenbring had the opportunity to work with K, a 19-year-old Caucasian male with a complicated, and well-documented neuropsychiatric...