Archive for the ‘Spring 2023 Issue’ Category

The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation for Adult Autism Breakthrough Summit

Autism does not end with childhood, it is lifelong. Most publicly funded services end for autistics when they reach the age of 18. With over 5.4 million autistic adults in the US, it’s time we have a platform to discuss this topic of adult autism. Thanks to their generous sponsorship, The...

A Tale of Two Diagnoses: Older Adults and School-Age Children

When I was first diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome in late 2000 at 44 years, I was already a middle-aged adult. For most of my life, I had always felt that I was different from most people my age in a variety of ways, not to mention frequently reminded of such by others (usually in a very unpleasant...

Sharing an Adult Autism Diagnosis with Family, Friends, and Community

The successful British author Matt Haig spent a lot of time in self-reflection at the height of the pandemic. During this time, at 46 years of age, he was newly diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) along with having Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In light of being...

Uncovering Neurodiversity in a Relationship

Neurodiversity in a partnership signifies that partners’ brains are wired differently from one another. When a couple learns that someone has a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), it can fundamentally shift the way they view their relationship. While there are inherent challenges that...

Engaging and Supporting Parents of Children Recently Diagnosed with Autism

No parent wants to learn that their child is autistic. Hopes and dreams for a neurotypical child are mostly abandoned and replaced by fear, uncertainty and, often, despair. Thus, effective professional intervention must begin with active listening to grasp the parent perspective on their child’s...

Breaking Down Barriers: A Guide to Autism Diagnosis with NODA Telehealth

If you are the parent or guardian of a child on the autism spectrum, you know firsthand how frustrating and time-consuming it can be to get a diagnostic assessment for your child. The process often involves long wait times, multiple in-person appointments, and a lot of uncertainty. Thanks to recent...

Neurodiverse Couples: Making Meaningful Moments of Every Day – Having a Good Afternoon

Every day there are countless opportunities for partners to create small connecting moments to enhance emotional connection in their relationship. Taking advantage of these little moments can make for big changes in your relationship dynamics. “Having a Good Afternoon” is the second of the...

How to Get Unstuck After Receiving an Adult Autism Diagnosis

When I was diagnosed ASD level 1 at age 42 and realized what the staggering number of undiagnosed autistic women my age* must be, my first thought was of all the untapped talent that was out there in the world like misplaced dynamite. There was world-changing potential just waiting to be...

Teaching Play to Children with Autism

Play has been focused on as a pivotal skill for young children, as it is an important context for both cognitive development and social connection. For these reasons, play is a primary focus of instruction for children with developmental delays and disabilities. Pretend play is a social skill that...

Empowering Caregivers Through an Innovative Peer Navigator Program

After a child receives an autism diagnosis, caregivers begin to look for appropriate services and supports. This journey requires them to navigate a very complicated service system. Caregivers are usually tasked with coordinating their children’s medical, educational, and community-based services...