Proof Positive - International Day of Happiness is March 20th, 2025

Posts Tagged ‘ABA’

Special Education Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

The COVID-19 pandemic has created significant challenges and obstacles for many individuals and families, including those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and related developmental disabilities (Eshraghi et al., 2020; Eshraghi et al., 2022). Children with ASD often depend on a combination of...

Parent Training Using Technology: Access to ABA Services for Families Across the Globe

Technology has played a tremendous role in the growth of teletherapy as a method for delivering high-quality, medically-necessary services to individuals and their families when accessibility presents as a barrier. There are a variety of behavioral health services that can be delivered via...

The Benefits of Training Parents to Use Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence Charts

Individuals with autism spectrum disorder can exhibit many behaviors their families, teachers, and other supporters in their communities find challenging. Likewise, individuals on the spectrum see the world at large as a challenge, and the people in their lives find the challenging behaviors their...

How Preparing Early Improves Independent Living in Adulthood

It is never too early to prepare for any skill, but especially skills needed to live independently. Many young adults feel that moving out on their own is a rite of passage, whether that be attending college to live in a dormitory, renting their own apartment, buying their first home, among many...

Practicing with Compassionate Care: A Missing Piece in Behavior Analytic Training

Becoming and practicing behavior analysis is often synonymous with a strong understanding of the technical components of behavior change procedures. Our training often emphasizes skills such as the memorization of terminology until it becomes second nature, evaluating and conducting research, and...

Strategies to Teach Key Foundation Skills to Young Children with Autism

Children with autism have both strong and weak points when it comes to learning – like all children. A significant tendency to progress at different rates across developmental domains is generally the case. Further, there can exist an uneven performance within a single area. Since language is a...

Use of a Specialized PBIS Framework to Organize and Deliver Evidence-Based Practices to Children with Autism

A significant challenge facing autism service providers is the effective and consistent delivery of evidence-based practices to the children they serve. A number of research reviews, including the National Standards Project (Rue, Knox, Welchons, Murzycki, Pollack, & Class, 2015) and the...

A Highly Effective Toilet Training Program Based on Applied Behavior Analysis Principles

Learning to use the bathroom independently is a critical life skill for any child, but especially for children with autism spectrum disorder. It boosts their self-confidence, enhances their quality of life, and enables a deeper integration into educational environments, social gatherings, and...

Ethical Implementation of ABA Programming in Schools: A Guide for Professionals and Parents

For over fifty years, research has demonstrated the efficacy of applied behavioral methods in reducing inappropriate behavior and in increasing communication and appropriate behavior. According to the Association for Science in Autism Treatments (ASAT), ABA is the only scientifically validated...

Supporting Children with Intellectual Disabilities/Autism in a Residential Treatment Facility

It is important for children with autism and intellectual disabilities to remain living at home, or in the least restrictive environment with appropriate supports, whenever possible. However, at times, a child’s challenging behaviors can pose such a significant threat to themselves or others, it...