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Posts Tagged ‘Winter 2023 Issue’

How to Advocate Successfully at School for Your Child with Autism

You want what’s best for your child with autism, but you’re not a teacher or a speech and language pathologist. How do you get the school’s special education team to listen to your ideas? What do you do if you suspect your child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) is failing...

Educational Entitlement for ABA Services: A Right for All

The old saying goes that if you meet one person with autism, you have met one person with autism. This alludes to the fact that people with autism have such a varying set of preferences, interests, strengths, and needs that no two are alike. As a result, the supports people need varies greatly with...

Autism Advocacy Advice for Families of Color

Autism occurs equally in people of different races, ethnicities, and income levels, but autism services are not distributed equally, according to research. As a group, children who are Black, Hispanic, Asian-American, or low-income often receive fewer therapies and services for autism.1-2 They...

Is It Genetic? My 40-Year Journey of Misdiagnoses for My Son

Forty years ago, my son Matthew was born. At the time of his birth, he had no apparent health issues. We began noticing that he wasn’t developing like a neuro-typical child when he wasn’t hitting milestones like rolling over. Since then, we have gone through countless tests and been given...

Research-Based Recommendations for Building Self-Advocacy Competence

Self-advocacy, an essential ingredient in our quest for satisfaction and fulfillment in life, is a learned skill that involves self-awareness, social and communication strategies, and behavioral competencies. Self-advocating involves communicating a person’s needs so that another person is able...

Using Explicit Instruction to Teach Self-Advocacy

Those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can benefit from alternative pedagogy, and the utilization of different approaches for more abstract skills should be a primary focus. Self-Advocacy is a set of skills that involve executive functions, social communication, and adaptive functions....

Building a Better Future: A Blueprint for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Autism Service Providers

In these times of significant staffing challenges, autism service providers across the country are re-examining their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices. DEI are central HR issues that foster organizational well-being and improve recruitment and retention. Research has proven that DEI...

Autistic Lived Experience: When I Learned that Helen Keller Believed in Eugenics

To say that learning about this for the first time felt like a punch in the gut is a gross understatement. Though I heard it from what I consider to be a credible source (the PBS documentary series The U.S. and the Holocaust), I nonetheless could not bring myself to believe the truth because I...

Pathways to Resolution of Special Education Conflicts

When conflict arises in an educational setting, there are multiple ways to resolve it. Some are small and easily resolved but may potentially lead to bigger conflicts and issues. Sometimes the conflict is substantial, and a resolution harder to achieve. Understanding different available methods of...

A Call to Action: The Need for Advocacy in Healthcare Access in Autism

Although specific estimates vary substantially, autistic children and adults have a higher prevalence of comorbid medical conditions than those reported in non-autistic individuals. Among the most commonly reported comorbid medical conditions are neurological disorders, including epilepsy,...